Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Научный центр неврологии" (ФГБНУ НЦН)
Кадыков Альберт Серафимович (RU),Селявко Леонид Евгеньевич (RU)
The utility model relates to medicine, to the section of neurology and neuropsychology, and can be used in neurorehabilitation departments of neurological and neurosurgical clinics when conducting classes to restore impaired movements of fingers and hands, as well as spatial memory in patients with a neurological clinic. A circular panel-simulator was created for classes on restoring the movements of fingers and hands, as well as spatial memory in patients of a neurological clinic, containing a base made of round plastic. A collar is rigidly fixed around the perimeter of the upper side of the base, forming the boundary of the working surface. On the working surface of the base there is a marking in the form of circles dividing it into rings with different diameters, each of which is divided by radial lines into ring sectors. In the center of each annular sector, a circular recess is made for fixing the fingertips of the patient’s hand. On the working surface of the base there are letters denoting rings, and on the surface of the shoulder there are numbers denoting groups of ring sectors. A rubber coating is applied to the underside of the base. The technical result of the claimed utility model is the simplicity of the design of a circular panel-simulator by eliminating complex additional structural elements and increasing the efficiency of using its working surface in the process of conducting classes to simultaneously restore impaired movements of fingers, hands and spatial memory in patients with a neurological clinic, as well as the inclusion movements of the fingers and hand in an interesting and attractive activity for patients, with a gradual increase with Epen complexity of the movements.Полезная модель относится к медицине, к разделу неврологии и нейропсихологии, и может найти применение в отделениях нейрореабилитации неврологических и нейрохирургических клиник при проведении занятий по восстановлению нарушенных движений пальцев и кисти руки, а также простра