A highly toxic compound of oxytocin receptor activity; consists of drugs used to treat autism, stress, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
It has been found that the present compounds are oxytocin receptor agonists for the treatment of autism, stress, including post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, including anxiety disorders and depression, schizophrenia, psychiatric disorders and memory loss, alcohol withdrawal, drug addiction and for the treatment of Prader-Willi Syndrom.<;p>;COMPUESTOS PEPTÍ;DICOS CON ACTIVIDAD AGONISTA DE RECEPTORES DE OXITOCINA; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE LOS COMPRENDE Y USO EN EL TRATAMIENTO DEL AUTISMO, ESTRÉ;S, ANSIEDAD, DEPRESIÓ;N, ESQUIZOFRENIA, ABSTINENCIA AL ALCOHOL Y DROGAS, ENTRE OTRAS.<;/p>;