The embodiments described and claimed herein relate to insect traps (10 110210). One particular embodiment of the insect trap comprises a housing (12 112212) which holds a insect attracting light source (60a 60b 160a 160b), an insectimmobilizing device (190), and a visible spectrum light source (80a 80b 180a180b). The housing at least partially conceals the insect attracting light source,the insect immobilizing device, and the visible spectrum light source from viewand includes a channel (14a 14b 114a 114b 214a 214b) into which insects canenter the housing and approach the insect immobilizing device and through whicha graduated pattern of insect attracting light can be projected into an area desiredto be free from insects. The light pattern emitted from the insect trap includesa diffused light component (77a 77b) that is reflected off of a reflective surface(26a 26b 126a 126b 226a 226b) and an intense light component (78a 78b) thatis transmitted through a light conduit (70a 70b 270a 270b). The light conduitcaptures light from the insect attracting light source from a first end that isin close proximity to the insect attracting light source. A second end of the lightconduit is disposed near the opening of the channel and is oriented in such a mannerso as to transmit the insect attracting light source into the direction of thearea desired to be free from insects.