FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to field of medicine, namely to obstetrics. Cardiointervalography (CIG) is performed. Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is carried out. Value of the following indices is estimated: standard deviation, pRR50,coefficient of variation, total power of HRV (TP), power of slow LF-waves, mode amplitude, index of adequacy of regulation processes (IARP), voltage index (VI), value of maximal R-R interval, mean-square difference between duration of neighbouring cardiointervals (RMSSD), normalised power of slow LF-waves, normalised power of fast HF-waves, vegetative index of rhythm (VIR). On the basis of obtained data each of the above mentioned indices is given points from 0 to 2. Also evaluated is value of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure with assigning points. Degree of cervix "maturity" is determined by Bishop scale with giving points. Obtained points are summed up. If sum of points equals 7 or more woman is related to group of risk in of uterine inertia development.EFFECT: method makes it possible to carry out prediction of uterine inertia before beginning of urgent delivery, which gives possibility to take measures for prevention of initial uterine inertia, in addition, method is non-invasive and safe for parturient woman and newborn baby.4 ex, 2 tblИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к акушерству. Выполняют кардиоинтервалографию (КИГ). Осуществляют анализ вариабельности сердечного ритма (ВСР). Оценивают значение показателей: среднеквадратичного отклонения, pRR50, коэффициента вариации, суммарной мощности спектра ВСР (ТР), мощности медленных LF-волн, амплитуды моды, показателя адекватности процессов регуляции (ПАПР), индекса напряжения (ИН), значения максимального R-R интервала, среднеквадратичного различия между продолжительностью соседних кардиоинтервалов (RMSSD), нормированной мощности медленных LF-волн, нормированной мощности быстрых HF-волн, вегетативного показателя ритма (ВПР). На основании п