Système pour employer plusieurs filtres pour détecter la sur-détection d'onde T et pour améliorer la détection de tachyarythmie dans un dispositif médical implantable
Techniques are described for detecting tachyarrhythmia and also for preventing T-wave oversensing using a narrowband bradycardia filter in combination with a narrowband tachycardia filter. In some embodiments, a separate wideband filter is also exploited. In one illustrative example, ventricular tachycardia (VT) is detected by: detecting a preliminary indication of VT using signals filtered by the bradycardia filter and, in response, confirming the detection of VT using signals filtered by the tachycardia filter. That is, the bradycardia filter, traditionally used only to detect bradycardia, is additionally used to provide a preliminary indication of VT. The tachycardia filter is then activated to confirm the detection of VT before therapy is delivered. In this manner, the tachycardia filter need not run continuously, but is instead activated only when there is some indication of possible VT, and hence power is saved. Numerous other exemplary techniques are set forth herein for arrhythmia detection and for T-wave oversensing detection.