A film comprising from about 20% to about 85% by weight of a polyolefin component and from about 20% to about 45% by weight of a particle component, wherein the basis weight of the film is from about 5 gsm to about 25 gsm, The film is activated and undergoes engineering distortion greater than about 20% and the predicted sound pressure level over the frequency octave range of 2000 Hz to 6300 Hz is less than about 43 dB.約20重量%~約85重量%のポリオレフィン成分と、約20重量%~約45重量%の粒子成分と、を含む、フィルムであって、フィルムの坪量は、約5gsm~約25gsmであり、フィルムは、活性化され、約20%超の工学的歪みを受け、2000Hz~6300Hzの周波数オクターブ範囲にわたる予測音圧レベルは、約43dB未満である、フィルム。