The present invention relates to a system and method of monitoring and controlling the usage of an electronic cigarette which helps the user gain control over their habit by making them aware of their habit, setting tangible goals, creating personalized plans and ensuring adherence. The usage behavior is communicated to the user by displaying on the body of the electronic cigarette information such as percentage of current conventional tobacco based cigarette being smoked, total number of conventional tobacco based cigarettes smoked in a day etc. This usage behavior is calculated by correlating the amount of vapor inhaled in one sitting from electronic cigarette to be equivalent to the smoke inhaled from usage of one conventional tobacco based cigarette. The systems and methods described herein further utilize a electronic cigarette in combination with a mobile-device-based application on a secondary processing unit such as mobile device or remote personal computer system to track and control the usage behavior of consumption of electronic cigarette- through the Track, Reduce or the Quit Cold Turkey approaches. The user can control the usage of electronic cigarette by setting a target date as well as create a personalized plan for gradual reduction in smoking. The system further provides the user flexibility by allowing the user to limit the consumption of electronic cigarette, eventually leading to quitting smoking.La présente invention concerne un système et un procédé de surveillance et de contrôle de lutilisation dune cigarette électronique qui aide lutilisateur à maîtriser son habitude en lui faisant prendre conscience de son habitude, en définissant des objectifs tangibles, en créant des plans personnalisés et en garantissant son adhésion. Le comportement dutilisation est transmis à lutilisateur par affichage sur le corps de la cigarette électronique dinformations telles que le pourcentage de cigarettes classiques à base de tabac fumées actuellement, le nombre