A drug delivery system is disclosed which may be a throwaway or reusabledevice for delivery at least one drug to a patient. Also described is a methodfor administering a drug using said device and a packaged drug for use withsaid device. The drug delivery device (10) comprises a housing (12), a means(14) for generating a force capable of pushing a drug (16) from a packaging(18) into a human or animal body, a means (20) for transmitting said force topush the drug (16) from the packaging (18) into the human and animal body, anda means (38, 42b) for triggering the device. Where the device is a single usedrug delivery (10) a packaged drug (100) forms an integral part of the device.The packaged drug (100) comprises packaging (18) containing a drug (16),having a housing (18a, 18b) wit a channel (106) running there through and inwhich is disposed a drive pin or other element (108), a skin piercing means(110, 112), and the drug (16), said housing (18a, 18b) further comprising aregion (102) allowing the packaged drug (100) to be slidably mounted to thedrug delivery device (10) and an end (104) adapted to engage and tension theskin.