Kryukov Andrej Ivanovich,Крюков Андрей Иванович,Kunelskaya Natalya Leonidovna,Кунельская Наталья Леонидовна,Tardov Mikhail Vladimirovich,Тардов Михаил Владимирович,Zaoeva Zarina Olegovna,Заоева Зарина
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: to diagnose disruption of the dynamics of the mid-cervical motor segments in patients with neck and nape pains at the background of cervical spine pathology, Doppler examination of the blood flow in the vertebral arteries (VA) is performed using a 2 or 4 MHz finger sensor in subclinical access in the patients position on the back. Average blood flow velocity (LVS) averaged over time is recorded for each VA in resting condition (V3-0). Further in the position of head forward flexion, a test is performed with head turning left and right to the maximum possible angle without pain amplification. After testing, both VA are insonated against and the time-averaged LVS is recorded during the second-third cardiac cycles after the end of the test (V3-1). The reactivity index Imid for both VAs is calculated: Imid=(V3-1/V3-0-1)×100%. For Imid values of at least one VA being beyond the limits of -15% to 15% interval, presence of extravasal influences thereon at the mid-cervical level is determined. With Imid value of both VAs being beyond the limits of the indicated interval and having different signs at the same time, presence of instability of mid-cervical spinal motion segments is stated.EFFECT: method allows to determine the instability of mid-cervical spinal segments, which makes it possible to define the clinical and functional diagnosis.2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к неврологии и ультразвуковой диагностике. Для диагностики нарушения динамики средне-шейных двигательных сегментов у пациентов с болями в шее и затылке на фоне патологии шейного отдела позвоночника проводят допплерометрическое исследование кровотока в позвоночных артериях (ПА) с помощью пальчикового датчика 2 или 4 МГц субокципитальным доступом в положении пациента на спине. Регистрируют усредненную по времени среднюю скорость кровотока (ЛСК) для каждой ПА в покое (V3-0). Далее в положении сгибания головы вперед проводят пробу с поворотами головы вправо-влево