Compression bandage in the form of an elongated rectangle made ofa textile fabric on which a hook strip is fastened along a narrow sideon a small portion of a lateral face, the hook side, the fabriccontaining elastic filaments running in a longitudinal direction and, inthe transversal direction, consisting of virtually inelastic supportingfilaments 3, characterised in that the spring constant in thelongitudinal direction ranges in the order of magnitude of 0.3 (three-tenths)to 3 (three) Newtons per centimetre of longitudinal stretchingand per meter length and per decimetre width of the compressionbandage, and small loops made of soft filaments are interwovendistributed uniformly over the entire area of the lateral face oppositethe hook strip, the fleece side, these small loops being orientedapproximately perpendicular to the lateral face, in size and distancefrom one another, are complementary to the hooks of the hook strip,and with them, together with the hook strip, a releasable hook-and-loopclosure can be formed.