The invention relates to a device (1) for removing thrombi from blood vessels, said device (1) having an expanded form, in which it is temporarily released in the blood vessel and a compressed form, in which it is inserted into and removed from the blood vessel through a microcatheter, wherein: the device (1) has a proximal portion (2), a central portion (3) and a distal portion (4), the central portion (3) being substantially cylindrical, the proximal portion (2) being coupled to an insertion aid (5), and the distal portion (4) having a substantially cylindrical main structure; and a narrowed section (6) is situated between the central portion (3) and the distal portion (4) and at least some of said distal portion (4) is provided with a covering in the form of a membrane (7). The device (1) according to the invention is characterised in that thrombus fragments that break free from the thrombus to be captured are captured securely and removed from the blood vessel.