Pure pharmacological components of oral schizophrenia, including 20 mg or less of corticosteroids and a separator; oral schizophrenic tablets; used in the treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation, such as glycogen inflammation, hematocrit, epilepsy And other friends, Orofaringa
Solid Pharmaceutical compositions comprising as 20 mg Drug disintegrates in 60 Seconds; Liquid Pharmaceutical composition comprising a corticosteroid and a LiquidPharmaceutically acceptable; and their use in the treatment of an inflammatory condition of the Gastrointestinal Tract.Composiciones farmacéutica sólida que comprende a lo más 20 mg de un corticoesteroide que se desintegra en 60 segundos; composición farmacéutica líquida que comprende un corticoesteroide y un líquido farmacéuticamente aceptable; y su uso en el tratamiento de una afección inflamatoria del tracto gastrointestinal.