A device for mass breeding of larvae, the larvae separation and obtaining extracts of salivary glands and intestines fly larvae green blow flies (Lucilia sericata)
The described apparatus consists of breeding trays (1) arranged in shelves (2), a double sieve separator (3), a collecting vessel (4) with ice lighting (5) and a cooling incubator (6) with funnels (7) with a valve on collection of salivary gland extracts. Breeding trays (1) are equipped with a removable mesh in a plastic frame to secure the larvae from leaking into the environment. The separator consists of a double screen (3) to clean the larvae from the substrate, the water collection container (4) to flush the larvae, and the ice lighting (5) to rapidly move the larvae through the screen openings. The cooling incubator consists of funnels (7) with a valve for extracting salivary gland extracts and larvae.Opísané zariadenie sa skladá z chovných misiek (1) usporiadaných v policiach (2), separátora s dvojitým sitom (3), zbernej nádoby (4) s led osvetlením (5) a chladiaceho inkubátora (6) s lievikmi (7) s ventilom na odber extraktov slinných žliaz a čriev. Chovné misky (1) sú vybavené odoberateľnou sieťkou v plastovom ráme na zabezpečenie lariev pred únikom do prostredia. Separátor sa skladá z dvojitého sita (3) na očistenie lariev od substrátu, zbernej nádoby (4) s vodou na prepláchnutie lariev a led osvetlenia (5) na rýchly posun lariev cez otvory sita. Chladiaci inkubátor pozostáva z lievikov (7) s ventilom na odber extraktov slinných žliaz a čriev z lariev.