At present, many herbicidal compositions have been developed and used, but there are a variety of types of weeds to be controlled, and their development lasts for a long period of time. Thus, a high active and long-residual herbicidal composition having a broad herbicidal spectrum has been desired.The present invention provides a synergistic herbicidal composition comprising (A) flazasulfuron or its salt and (B) at least one urea compound selected from the group consisting of tebuthiuron, diuron and metobromuron or its salt. According to the synergistic herbicidal composition of the present invention, a high active and long-residual herbicidal composition having a broad-spectrum can be provided.目前,已開發和使用許多除草組成物,但有各種要控制之雜草類型,且它們的開發持續一段時間。因此,需要具有廣效除草性的高活性和長期殘留之除草組成物。本發明提供一種協乘性除草組成物,其包含(A)伏速隆(flazasulfuron)或其鹽和(B)至少一種選自得匍隆(tebuthiuron)、達有龍(diuron)和撲奪草(metobromuron)或其鹽之脲化合物。根據本發明之協乘性除草組成物,可提供具有廣效除草性的高活性和長期殘留之除草組成物。