1. The balloon catheter ablation comprising: a barrel having a longitudinal lumen, a balloon mounted on said stem, wherein said lumen communicates with the interior space of the cylinder ielektrod for supplying high-frequency current, disposed within said container, wherein the electrode is formed by winding around said trunk lead wire supplying high frequency power supply which supplies high-frequency power from the power supply means, wherein between the supply conductor supplying high frequency power and the barrel is located a supply temperature sensor line supplying the measured signal to the power supply means so that the inlet temperature sensor wire is fixed along the longitudinal trunk direction, wherein a thermocouple temperature sensor formed at a point where said lead wire supplying high-frequency power supply and said inlet temperature sensor wire forming the electrode for supplying high-frequency current contact with each other for the first time when viewed from the rear end side in the longitudinal napravlenii.2. The balloon catheter of claim ablation. 1 comprising an oscillator imparting vibrations heating liquid in said tank by repeating suction and heating of said fluid emission prosveta.3. The balloon ablation catheter according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein said thermocouple temperature sensor formed on the rear end portion of said electrode for supplying RF toka.4. The balloon ablation catheter according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein said lead wire and1. Баллонный абляционный катетер, содержащий:ствол, имеющий просвет в продольном направлениибаллон, закрепленный на упомянутом стволе, при этом упомянутый просвет сообщается с внутренним пространством баллона иэлектрод для подачи высокочастотного тока, расположенный внутри упомянутого баллона, при этом электрод образован наматыванием вокруг упомянутого ствола подводящего провода подачи высокочастотного питания, который подает высокочастотное питание от средства подачи питания, при этом между подводящим пр