To provide a mowing tip saw that is superior in preventing tangle of weeds and edge sharpness during mowing, reduces a load to an engine of a bush-cutter and is economical.SOLUTION: A tip saw has multiple chevron tip mounting parts and includes a spare blade capable of being detached and attached from/to a base metal. The mowing tip saw is provided in which tips and saw teeth are formed in each edge line of the tip mounting parts, and a V-shaped blade chamber is provided between the adjacent tip mounting parts.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 1【課題】草刈り時の雑草等の絡みつき防止と切れ味に優れ、刈払い機のエンジンへの負荷を軽減させるとともに、経済的な草刈り用チップソーを提供すること。【解決手段】複数の山型のチップ取付け部を有し、台金への脱着が可能な替え刃を備えたチップソーであって、前記チップ取付け部の各稜線にはチップと鋸歯が形成され、隣接する前記チップ取付け部の間には、V型の刃室を有する草刈り用チップソーである。【選択図】図1