An orthopedic device is provided for treatment of Hallux Valgus. The orthopedic device includes a main part (3) in the form of an elastic sleeve, intended to exert a restraining force (F1) locally on the metatarsals (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5), a distal part (5) for encapsulating the big toe, and a connecting band (6) between the main part (3) and the distal part (5), intended to be tensioned in order to exert a lateral force (F2) on the big toe that is directed inwards in relation to the axis Δ of the human body. A pad (4) is secured to the inner wall of the device, creating a localized increased thickness, and arranged to be positioned against the first metatarsal of the big toe. The pad acts as an anchor during the application of the lateral force, in different positions of the foot, thus allowing the tensile force on the connecting band (6) to be adjusted. The combined restraining and lateral forces serve to re-align the joint during walking.