Composition comprising hydrolyzed protein in dairy base coming from the treatment of a solution of a proteinaceous material of Dairy base with at least one type Trypsin Endopeptidase,An Endopeptidase and Chymotrypsin type; use of the composition as a Dietary Supplement for Infant formula or Induction of oral Tolerance in Infants or patients who need it,Or to reduce the risk of allergies.
Composition comprising Protein hydrolysate based Milk coming from the treatment of a solution of a Dairy based proteinaceous material with at least one type Trypsin Endopeptidase,An Endopeptidase and Chymotrypsin type; use of the composition as a Dietary Supplement for Infant formula or Induction of oral Tolerance in Infants or patients who need it,Or to reduce the risk of allergies.<;p>;Composició;n que comprende hidrolizado de proteí;na en base lá;ctea que proviene del tratamiento de una solució;n de un material proteiná;ceo de base lá;ctea con al menos una endopeptidasa tipo tripsina, y una endopeptidasa tipo quimotripsina; uso de dicha composició;n como fó;rmula infantil o complemento alimenticio para inducció;n de tolerancia oral en infantes o pacientes que lo necesitan, o para reducir el riesgo de alergias.<;/p>;