The present invention provides an advantageous system for measuring multiple visual aspects, and a corresponding method. The present invention is a computer-implemented user interactive system that can be used by experts such as spectacles technicians to measure and evaluate patient vision. The present invention includes a hand-held computed device arranged and configured to present at least one vision table to a user (patient) within a gaming environment. This aspect of the invention is more easily used by certain types of patients, such as children, elderly people, etc., who are suffering from pathologies / conditions that typically struggle to use traditional measurement tools . In a preferred embodiment the vision table has at least one characteristic selected to facilitate the measurement of at least one, or preferably at least two, aspects of the visual function, Is arranged to detect a users response to the vision table in order to make a measurement of at least one of the at least two aspects. Advantageously, this can be realized with one "sitting". Several aspects of the visual function are visual acuity, central vision, contrast sensitivity, stereoscopic vision, and / or color vision, detected visual acuity, resolved visual acuity (spatial resolution, or identification of dynamic direction static), cognitive visual acuity, Temporal visual acuity, spectral visual acuity. At least one vision table is repeatedly presented to the user and the at least one characteristic is changed at each iteration. Repetition can continue until a threshold or limit is reached. The at least one characteristic relates to the level of detail, contrast, color, at least one position or movement of the vision table.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION本発明は、複数の視覚の様相を測定する有利なシステム、及び対応する方法を提供する。本発明は、患者の視力を測定し評価するために眼鏡技師などの専門家が使用できるコンピュータにより実施されるユーザ対話式のシステムである。本発明は、ゲーム化された環境内で使用者(患者)に少なくとも1つの視力表を提示するように配置し、構成されたハンドフォールスドコンピューティング装置を含む。本発明のこの態様は、それが典型的には伝統的な測定ツールを使用するのに苦闘する病状/病態に苦しんでいる子供、高齢者等などのある