A fordable wheelchair for nursing, of which the pair of left and right aluminum-pipe in the front and the aluminum-pipe in the back are upward and downward rotatable. A toile-bucket can be added into the wheelchair. Its foot-boards can be forward, backward, leftward and rightward rotatable. Its wheels can be braked separately. The main body is fordable. The wheelchair provides functions as shower chair and usage as toilet-chair it also can be used in narrow rooms such as bathroom or fitting room. All in all, it is a fordable, conveyable, portable wheelchair for nursing.一種折疊式看護用輪椅,將左右一對前方手把鋁管及後方鋁管軸裝成可上下方向自由轉動、且將可加裝馬桶座椅板裝配成可折疊、可加裝馬桶座椅板下方備有裝卸式水桶型馬桶、前方手把鋁管下方安裝可前後左右轉動腳踏板、安裝在每個小輪上具有使該小輪及車輪能個別煞車、及解除煞車的小輪旋轉剎車結構及車輪旋轉剎車結構的兩種結構的前輪小輪及後輪小輪,且輪椅主體可前後折疊,以提供具備浴室用座椅及簡易馬桶功能,且能被侷限在狹窄空間如浴室或換衣間也可使用,或者可收納、可保存、可攜帶、可搬運也能便利地折疊式的看護用輪椅。1‧‧‧前方手把鋁管2‧‧‧後方鋁管3‧‧‧腳踏板鋁管4‧‧‧可加裝馬桶座椅板5‧‧‧水桶型馬桶7‧‧‧前輪小輪7-1‧‧‧前輪8‧‧‧後輪小輪8-1‧‧‧後輪11‧‧‧上掀式把手12‧‧‧腳踏板