A plant watering system comprising: a reservoir a plant growth container located adjacent the reservoir, the reservoir having a water level in use below the container one or more channels communicating between the reservoir and container a closing member for each channel movable between a lower open position and an upper closed position, wherein in the open position water in the reservoir may pass into the container to moisten a plant growth medium contained in the container and wherein, in the closed position the passage of water is prevented.植物澆水系統,其包含:儲水池;位於鄰接儲水池的植物種植容器,在使用時該儲水池的水位低於該植物種植容器;一條或以上的連接該儲水池和該種植容器的溝道;□每條溝道而設的閉合部件,其可於下方的開□位置和在上方的閉合位置之間移動,其中在開□位置中儲水池中的水可通進該種植容器內以將包含於種植容器內的植物種植媒體濕潤,而在閉合位置中這樣的水流通被阻止。1‧‧‧種植容器2‧‧‧基座3‧‧‧凸緣4‧‧‧儲水池5‧‧‧水箱6‧‧‧供水管7‧‧‧進水口8‧‧‧通氣管9‧‧‧進氣口10‧‧‧固定件11‧‧‧螺紋蓋12‧‧‧長形支撐件16‧‧‧吸液墊21‧‧‧側壁22‧‧‧手把23‧‧‧吸液座墊