PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a convenient insect-control bedding for a variety of places in recent years, in which the damage of scarlet ants has begun to be shouted in Japan, and the damage of centipedes is too numerous to enumerate. SOLUTION: A one-touch type mosquito net with a bottom cloth (7) and a sleeping bag are respectively incorporated as a one-touch type mosquito net part (1) and a sleeping bag part (2) of a new insect-proof bedding, and are integrated through a slide fastener [11]. Try to solve it. [Effect] By docking both of the above, both disadvantages can be covered, and it becomes possible to cope with various places as bedding for insect protection. [Selection diagram] Figure 1【課題】近年、日本においても緋蟻の害が叫ばれ始め、またムカデの害も数え上げれば枚挙に暇が無い現状に、多方面の場所に対応する便利な防虫用寝具の提供。【解決手段】底布(7)付き ワンタッチ式蚊帳と寝袋とを新しい防虫用寝具のワンタッチ式蚊帳部(1)と寝袋部(2)としてそれぞれ組み入れ、スライドファスナー[11]を介して一体化させることで解決を図る。【効果】前記両者をドッキングさせる事により両方の短所をカバーし、防虫用寝具として多方面の場所に対応が可能となる。【選択図】図1