This invention provides a dental implant having a strength sufficiently tolerant to masticatory power and a quick bonding ability and a high affinity to gingiva so as to realize quick stabilization after implantation. This invention uses calcium phosphate-based compounds having different melting points, wherein based on a melting point pattern of a calcium phosphate having a lower melting point among the calcium phosphate-based compounds, the core material is subjected to plasma-spraying, and a hydrothermal treatment so as to form a plasma-spraying coating layer. The plasma-spraying coating layer is covered by a crystal array formed by crystals needle and/or pillar shaped calcium phosphate-based compounds having 2 to 7 micron in length and arranged along a fixed direction and the assembly of crystals extended radially from the surface of the core material.本發明提出一種牙科用植入物,其藉由具備可充分耐受咀嚼力之強度、以及與牙齦之早期結合性及親和性,而於植入後可實現早期穩定。本發明係利用含有熔點不同之磷酸鈣系化合物之材料,以基於上述磷酸鈣系化合物中熔點較低之磷酸鈣之熔點的態樣對芯材熔射被覆,並進行水熱處理,而形成熔射被覆層,該熔射被覆層係由長度為2μm~7μm之針狀及/或柱狀之磷酸鈣系化合物之結晶沿固定方向排列而成之結晶晶列及自芯材表面放射狀地延伸之結晶之集合體所覆蓋。