Invention herewith described refers to the procedure for obtaining the diary product, the cheese for grill, that contains 40% fat in dry matter, it is obtained from cows milk, lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid and salt, with the following degrees: raw cows milk with 4.2 to 5% of fat is purified through the prochromic filter and pasteurized at a temperature of T= 95-100° C, and then in the duplicator there are added 2 to 4% of lactic acid bacteria, salt in the amount of 2 to 3%, and nine percent acetic acid in the amount of 3 to 4%, with constant stirring, at a temperature of T = 95-100° C, there is accomplished their integration and obtained the solid milky mass or curds which are put into rectangular prochromic molds, pressed by the pneumatic press, then the cheese for grill is removed from the molds, stored in the cold chamber, where the cheese is aging, and then cut it into pieces, vacuumed packed, distributed and prepared so that the heating does not melt it, and the cheese is baked on the grill or in Teflon pans, without grease or oil at a temperature of T = 250-300° C for 1 to 3 min on one side and 1 to 2 min on the other side.Postupak za dobijanja mlečnog proizvoda, Sira za roštilj, sadrži 40 % mlečne masti u suvoj materiji, dobija se od kravljeg mleka, bakterije mlečne kiseline, sirćetne kiseline, soli, sa sledećim stupnjevima: sirovo kravlje mleko, masnoće 4.2 do 5%, prečišćava se kroz prohromski filter i pasterizuje na temperaturi, T=95-100°C, a zatim u duplikatoru se dodaju bakterije mlečne kiseline 2 do 4%, so u količini 2 do 3%, i devetoprocentna sirćetne kiseline u količini 3 do 4%, uz stalno mešanje, na temperaturi T=95-100°C, vrši se njihovo sjedinjavanje, a zatim se dobija čvrsta mlečna masa ili gruš koji se stavlja u pravougaonim prohromskim kalupima, presuje se pneumatskom presom, zatim se sira za roštilj vadi iz kalupe, odlaže u hladnoj komori, gde se vrši starenje, a zatim seče na komade, vakumira, pakuje, distribuira i priprema se tako da se za