Invention herewith described refers to the radar sensor that operates in the millimetre wave frequency range and is used for the detection of signs of life of people, especially infants, as well as animals, in the clinic as well as in daily environment. The key components of the system are the use of an integrated radar, the use of high gain planar antennas with a specific radiation pattern, analysis of the following key biomarkers: the heart rate and the respiratory dynamics. The operating method calculates the probability of a large number of possible events. In the case that the probability is above a predetermined threshold, the interaction with the end user or the system is initiated, typically by using an arbitrary wireless communication. In this event, there are performed the predetermined actions. It is recommended that the system use 60 GHz integrated radar front end in the Doppler mode, with a transmitting and a receiving antenna consisting of 4 x 4 elements of the physical dimensions typically 4 x 2 x 1 cm or less.Pronalazak predstalja radarski senzor koji radi u milimetarskom opsegu učestanosti koji se koristi za detekciju znakova života ljudi, posebno beba, kao i životinja, u kliničkom, kao i u svakodnevnom okruženju. Ključne komponente sistema su upotreba integrisanog radara, upotreba planarnih antena velikog pojačanja sa specifičnim dijagramom zračenja, analiziranje sledećih ključnih biomarkera: dinamike rada srca i disanja. Metod rada izračunava verovatnoću većeg broja mogućih događaja. U slučaju da je verovatnoća iznad unapred određenog praga, inicira se interakcija sa krajnjim korisnikom ili sistemom, tipično upotrebom proizvoljne bežične komunikacije. U tom slučaju se sprovode unapred određene akcije. Preporučuje se da sistem koristi 60 GHz integrisani radarski čeoni kraj u Dopler modu rada, sa predajnom i prijemnom antenom koje se sastoje od 4 x 4 elemenata, fizičkih dimenzija tipično 4 x 2 x 1 cm ili manjim.