Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvenostyu "MEDPLANT"
Mamdzhyan Garegin Grigorevich (RU),Мамджян Гарегин Григорьевич (RU),Osipov Aleksandr Yurevich (RU),Осипов Александр Юрьевич (RU),Smelov Vladimir Sergeevich (RU),Смелов Владимир Сергеевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medical equipment. Syringe dispenser of medicines includes a housing with the possibility of installing and fixing a syringe with a piston on it, a piston pusher driven by a motor, as well as a power unit and a control unit consisting of a controller, a control panel and a display for displaying infusion parameters. According to the invention, it is further provided with a movable pressure bar located perpendicularly relative to the longitudinal axis of the syringe. Clamp is installed at the upper end of the movable pressure bar, and at its lower end there is a slider connected to the movable rod of the potentiometer, the signal from which goes through the bus to the control unit. Syringe piston pusher is mounted on a threaded shaft on which a motor revolution counter is installed, including a disk diaphragm rotating on a threaded shaft with radial slots located between the LED and the phototransistor to control the passage of the luminous flux. Threaded shaft is mounted on the housing with the help of a latch located in its upper part, as well as with the front and bushing sleeves. Between the diaphragm and the grommet, a stop wall is fixed for fixing the diaphragm on the motor shaft.EFFECT: technical result of the invention is to increase the convenience and simplicity of the procedure for administering drugs in the conditions of emergency medical care.5 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике. Шприцевой дозатор лекарственных средств включает корпус с возможностью установки и фиксации на нем шприца с поршнем, толкатель поршня, приводимый в действие мотором, а также блок питания и блок управления, состоящий из контроллера, панели управления и дисплея для отображения параметров инфузии. Согласно изобретению он дополнительно снабжен подвижной прижимной штангой, расположенной перпендикулярно относительно продольной оси шприца. На верхнем конце подвижной прижимной штанги установлен прижим, а на нижнем ее конц