The present invention relates to a side button for operating an airless pump and thereby discharging content, the side button having an improved structure such that malfunctioning, which is considered as a problem of side buttons, is eliminated and, at the same time, stable and smooth operations are enabled, thereby guaranteeing reliability of the product and improving competitiveness in the market. The present invention provides an airless pump comprising: a first stem having a content inlet formed on the lower portion thereof, the content inlet being selectively opened or closed by a check valve such that content contained in a container can flow in, the first stem moving up and down inside a cylinder having a cylinder cap assembled and formed on the upper portion thereof, the first stem having a discharge hole of a content discharge channel, the discharge hole being selectively opened or closed by a piston valve and a second stem extending upwards so as to interwork with the first stem, the second stem being installed to receive repulsive force from a repulsive spring, the cylinder cap supporting the lower end of the repulsive spring, wherein a pumping inclined ledge is formed beneath the third stem, which is assembled and configured to interwork with the second stem, such that an inclined surface of a slider, which is moved horizontally by a rotating movement of a pressing body that constitutes a side button, contacts the pumping inclined ledge and is enabled to vertically move up and down.La présente invention porte sur un bouton latéral pour actionner une pompe sans air et décharger ainsi un contenu, lequel bouton latéral est une structure améliorée, de telle sorte quun mauvais fonctionnement, qui est considéré comme un problème des boutons latéraux, est éliminé, et quen même temps, des opérations stables et régulières sont permises, de façon à garantir ainsi une fiabilité du produit et à améliorer ainsi une compétitivité sur le marché. A cet effet, la présent