FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: mechanically processed and washed bioimplant is cut into rectangular fragments. Through holes with a diameter of up to 0.2 mm are made along the entire surface at a distance of up to 0.3 cm from each other. They are stacked on supports with smooth sloping surfaces, the configurations of which repeat different shapes of the nasal arch. They are frozen at -60°C and lyophilized. Removed from the supports. Hermetically packed and sterilized by radiation. Intraoperatively, the scissors are used to provide the final shape, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Suture threads are directd percutaneously along the edges of the projection of bioimplant location, some ends are withdrawn with needles through the endonasal incision and guided through the holes in the corresponding edges of the bioimplant. The ends of the suture threads with the needles are returned through the endonasal incision together with the bioimplant, withdrawn percutaneously outside the entrance areas and fixed with sutures.EFFECT: reduced labour intensity of surgical intervention during nasal arch plasty and provision of conditions for successful integration of the bioimplant to surrounding tissues due to the most optimal bioimplant preparation and fixation.1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к оториноларингологии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, пластической хирургии. Механически обработанный и отмытый биоимплант разрезают на прямоугольные фрагменты. По всей поверхности делают сквозные отверстия диаметром до 0,2 мм на расстоянии друг от друга до 0,3 см. Укладывают на подставки с гладкими покатыми поверхностями, конфигурации которых повторяют разные формы спинки носа. Замораживают при температуре -60°С. Лиофилизируют. Снимают с подставок. Герметично упаковывают и стерилизуют радиационным методом. Интраоперационно ножницами придают окончательную форму с учетом индивидуальных особенностей пациента. Чрескожно по краям проекции расположения биоим