Agomelatine hydrochloride hydrate; Crystal form; Preparation Method, Pharmaceutical Composition and its use for the treatment of Sleep Disorders, stress, anxiety, depression,Cardiovascular Diseases, among others.
Compound Crystalline agomelatine hydrochloride hydrate, Preparation method of the compound, Pharmaceutical Composition and use of the compound for the treatment of Sleep Disorders, stress,Anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases, among others.<;p>;Compuesto cristalino hidrato del hidrocloruro de agomelatina; mé;todo de preparació;n del compuesto; composició;n farmacé;utica; uso del compuesto para el tratamiento de trastornos del sueñ;o, estré;s, ansiedad, depresió;n mayor, enfermedades cardiovasculares, entre otras.<;/p>;