Gerasimenya Valerij Pavlovich,Герасименя Валерий Павлович,Klykov Mikhail Aleksandrovich,Клыков Михаил Александрович,Zakharov Sergej Viktorovich,Захаров Сергей Викторович,Khalangot Maya Orazovna,Халанг
FIELD: nanotechnologies.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to the area of nanotechnologies and nanochemistry, particularly, to metal citrates, and it may be used in perfumery, food industry, in the medical field and agricultural sector, in biology, and other domains of science, industry, and ecology. The monodisperse colloidal aqueous solution of silver ions contains active metals in the form of citrates, silver ion reducer in aqueous dispersion, and distilled or deionized water. As an active metal, it contains monodisperse colloidal silver ion solution in aqueous dispersion. The reducer is selected from the group of organic acids, to the chemical composition of which the stabilizer of silver ions and hydrophobizator based on organic silicon compounds in aqueous dispersion were additionally included. The production method of monodisperse colloidal aqueous solution of silver ions has the stage of production of polydisperse colloidal mixture of nanostructural particles of silver in aqueous dispersion and direct interaction of obtained solution of nanostructural particles of silver in water with the reducer of silver ions with formation, whereupon, monodisperse colloidal aqueous solution of silver ions (cations) with antimicrobial and antitoxic action against toxic impurities and microbiological contaminations.EFFECT: inventions allows production of stable monodisperse colloidal aqueous solutions of silver ions (cations) in the presence of citric acid with their specific concentration in aqueous solutions with simultaneous antimicrobial and antitoxic action.9 cl, 6 dwg, 9 tbl, 5 exИзобретение относится к области нанотехнологий и нанохимии, а точнее к цитратам металлов, и может быть использовано в парфюмерной, пищевой промышленности, в медицине, в сельском хозяйстве, в биологии и в других областях науки, промышленности и экологии. Монодисперсный коллоидный водный раствор ионов серебра, включающий активные металлы в форме цитратов, восстановитель ионов серебра в водной дисперси