The invention relates to the field of commercial fishing in particular, to mechanization aquatic craft via tiers. The technical result in the achievement of which the claimed utility model is to provide a device towed behind the vessel at depths not accessible to marine mammals. Device for bulkhead longline moves behind the vessel by means of braces and cable. During the sampling process mainline tier with the catch (fish) passes through the entrance window in the form malgogera with lower and upper rolom, and enters into the drive, the end of which passes through the cutter, which disconnects the catch hooks. Further mainline tier without a catch through an output window formed in the form of a roll, is directed to the winch mainline sample. Disconnected the fish is in the drive, the output of which is locked lean-to. After closure deck lifting device via the cable to the bulkhead tiers lying on board the vessel, and being in its drive catch isolated from the access thereto of marine mammals.Устройство для переборки яруса и накопления улова, характеризующееся тем, что оно имеет входное и выходное устройства, через которые пропускается хребтина яруса, накопитель, не позволяющей рыбе выйти из устройства, при этом входное устройство выполнено в виде мальгогера, перед выходным устройством, выполненным в виде рола, имеется отсекатель для снятия рыбы с крючка.