ПЬЮ Рэндалл Б. (US),РАЙЕЛЛ Джеймс Дэниел (US),ТОНЕР Адам (US),ОТТС Дэниел Б. (US),ФЛИТШ Фредерик А. (US),СНУК Шарика (US)
1. A method for forming multicomponent annular insert, comprising: forming a first insert rear curvature annular member in the first form, the formation of the first front curvature insertion element into the second annular shape, placing the conductive material on one of the first element and the front curvature of the first curvature of the rear element or both of them, the attachment of an electronic component to a first element of the front curvature and the first element of the rear curvature or both, the fixation performed at least partially to the conductive material, the location of the first material, said location forms a first seal surface of the first element of the front curvature of the insert and the first posterior curvature insert element or on both of them, combining the first member anterior curvature and the first rear curvature of the insertion member to form a first annular portion ophthalmic inserts, which leads to the fact that the first material seals the interior of the first cavity with the combination of the first front curvature and the first element krivizny.2 rear element. . A method according to claim 1, further comprising: forming at least a second element of the rear curvature and the second rear curvature of the element is formed within at least a portion of the third annular shape, location of the second material to form a second seal or a first element of the front curvature of the insert or second member insert rear curvature, or both of them combining the first annular portion and second ophthalmic insert member to the rear1. Способ для формирования кольцевидной многокомпонентной вставки, содержащий:формирование первого элемента задней кривизны вставки в первой кольцевидной формеформирование первого элемента передней кривизны вставки во второй кольцевидной формеразмещение проводящего материала на одном из первого элемента передней кривизны и первого элемента задней кривизны или на обоих из нихприкрепление электронного компонент