A kind of grass trimmer and its charging mechanism, the charging mechanism includes the elastic component between the outer anticollision guard bar of the mounting base, the installation what mounting base and exposed what casing of an installation what casing, an installation what mounting base and anticollision guard bar, and two install fixed what mounting base and intert the charging terminal in what anticollision guard bar forward respectively, and the grade charging terminals can what anticollision guard bar when being moved to a Hou pan position, projection forward relatively is exposed outside the anticollision guard bar. It is worn in the hiding what anticollision guard bar through by the grade charging terminals, and the what grass trimmer is when abutting against forward what cradle with the anticollision guard bar, the equal charging terminals just exposed structure design of meeting, charging terminal can be effectively prevent to be collided by foreign matter impaired, and the problem of improving exposed corrosion, while charge stability and the safety of grass trimmer can be greatly improved.一種割草機及其充電機構,該充電機構包含一安裝於機殼之安裝座、一安裝於該安裝座且外露於機殼外之防撞護桿、一安裝於安裝座與防撞護桿間之彈性件,及二安裝固定於安裝座並分別往前穿插於防撞護桿中的充電端子,且該等充電端子可於該防撞護桿位移至一後移位置時,相對往前突伸露出該防撞護桿外。透過將該等充電端子穿設隱藏於該防撞護桿中,且於該割草機以該防撞護桿往前頂靠於充電座時,該等充電端子才會外露的結構設計,可有效防止充電端子被異物碰撞受損,並改善外露鏽蝕的問題,同時可大幅提高割草機之充電穩定性與安全性。