Aquaculture facilities with Horizontal Flow Speed adjustable, with several Mobile partition walls permeable each surrounding Tanks so that each of the surrounding Tanks Tank is divided into several sections, ADJUSTABLEEach Tank is provided with a surrounding or one or two inputs and two outputs, regardless of the number of sections of Tank, the aquaculture facility is built without Pipes below the lowest level of Tanks, the Porous structure with a removable partition walls Tura and / or top bar automatically adjustable to the width of the Tank.A permeable Surface also automatically adjustable to the width of the Tank and goes from the top to the bottom of the Tank, and Upper and Lower Wheel positioned at the bottom of the permeable surface and at the ends of the bar, respectively. S the aquaculture facility is built with a Pipe connected to a Tank blowdownSo you can be ready for harvesting Fish, not to disturb those who are not, what can be done by reducing the volume of the relevant section of the Tank with the mobile partition walls and / or slightly permeable to Light Exposing the Fish ready for recolecc Ion, also comprises the use of Aquaculture Facility for the production of Fish,Especially Fish that need a High Flow Rate and a horizontal laminar flow / structure.INSTALACION ACUICOLA CON SISTEMA DE RECIRCULACION QUE COMPRENDE A)UN TANQUE CENTRAL; B)UNO O MAS TANQUES CIRCUNDANTES; C)IMPULSORES DE FLUJO; D)UNA O DOS SALIDAS Y UNA O DOS ENTRADAS EN CADA UNO DE DICHOS TANQUES CIRCUNDANTES; Y D)UN FILTRO BIOLOGICO; USO.