The present invention provides a lid cover (1) of amedicine container (2) for preventing a medicine, which isair-tightly stored in a medicine container (2) that has a lidportion (22) that can be pierced with a needle (33) , from leakingto an outside space when the medicine is suctioned using asyringe (3) having the needle (33) , the lid cover (1) includinga peripheral wall portion (10) that can be mounted to the lidportion (22) so as to surround a piercing face of the lid portion(22) that is pierced with the needle (33) and a ceiling faceportion (50) that is continuous with an upper portion of theperipheral wall portion (10) , and can be pierced with the needle(33) , wherein the peripheral wall portion (10) and the ceilingface portion (50) are made of an elastic material, and areconfigured to air-tightly store the piercing face such that thepiercing face is not exposed to the outside space in a statewhere the peripheral wall portion (10) is mounted to the lidportion (22) , while also forming a closed space between thepiercing face and the ceiling face portion (50) , and the ceilingface portion (50) has a central portion (51) that opposes thepiercing face, and is pierced with the needle, and an outerperiphery portion (52) that is formed in the periphery of thecentral portion (51) , and is thinner than the central portion(51) .