The invention relates to an artificial insemination device comprising a tube (B) and a tip (1) that can be fitted into an end of the tube (B), the tip (1) being formed by a hollow tubular body with a hemispheric upper end (4) having at least three openings (6); the tip (1) contains at least one first portion (7) having the shape of a truncated cone which tapers towards the upper end, for insertion of a first semen straw containing biological material for insemination, followed by a first annular portion (8) for coupling the straw, a second portion (9) having the shape of a truncated cone which tapers towards the upper end (4), which is arranged after the first annular portion (8), for insertion of a second semen straw containing biological material, and has a smaller diameter than the first straw, a second annular portion (8') arranged after the second, additional portion (9) having the shape of a truncated cone, for coupling the second semen straw, which is smaller than the first, and a recess (10) in the area of the hemispheric upper portion (4), where the at least three openings (6) are located.La invención se refiere a un dispositivo de inseminación artificial que comprende un tubo (B) y una punta (1) que puede ajustarse dentro de un extremo del tubo (B), la punta (1) se forma por un cuerpo tubular hueco con un extremo superior hemisfórico (4) que tiene por lo menos tres aberturas (6); la punta (1) contiene por lo menos una primera porción (7) que tiene la forma de un cono truncado que se ahúsa hacia el extremo superior, para la inserción de un primer conducto de semen que contiene material biológico para la inseminación, seguida de una primera porción anular (8) para acoplar el conducto, una segunda porción (9) que tiene la forma de un cono truncado que se ahúsa hacia el extremo superior (4), que se dispone despuós de la primera porción anular (8), para la inserción de un segundo conducto de semen que contiene material biológico, y que tiene un diámetro menor q