An improving acupuncture component, including a hammer and a needle, is provided. Hammer includes a hammer shank and a hammer, hammer and hammer handle is connected to, and including at least one hammer hammering surface. Needle comprises a needle, a needle and a needle at the top of the handle. Needle at one end of the body of the needle, the needle handle includes a first portion and a second deductible portion. The first offset portion corresponding to a first side of the needle shaft, the second portion is offset corresponding to a second side of the needle shaft. In addition, the top of the needle is the other end of the needle. Wherein the diameter greater than the diameter of the needle at the top of the needle handle, the distance between the needle and the second portion of the deductible is higher than the first distance between the needle and the deductible portion, and a first portion and a second deductible portion a unit made deductible, the deductible portion adapted to slide axially on the needle shank.一種改良式之打鍼組件,包括一鎚體及一針體。鎚體包括一鎚頭及一鎚柄,鎚頭與鎚柄相連接,且鎚頭包括至少一鎚擊面。針體包括一針頭、一針柄及一針頂部。針頭位於針體之其中一端,針柄包括一第一抵扣部及一第二抵扣部。第一抵扣部是對應於針柄的一第一側,第二抵扣部是對應於針柄的一第二側。另外,針頂部位於針體之另外一端。其中,針頂部之直徑大於針柄之直徑,第二抵扣部與針頭之間的距離高於第一抵扣部與針頭之間的距離,並且,第一抵扣部與第二抵扣部製成一抵扣部,抵扣部適於在針柄上軸向滑動。1‧‧‧改良式之打鍼組件11‧‧‧鎚體111‧‧‧鎚頭111A‧‧‧上鎚擊面111B‧‧‧下鎚擊面112‧‧‧鎚柄12‧‧‧針體121‧‧‧針頭122‧‧‧針柄1221‧‧‧抵扣部1221A‧‧‧第一抵扣部1221B‧‧‧第二抵扣部1222A‧‧‧第一突起部1222B‧‧‧第二突起部123‧‧‧針頂部