Disclosed are method for conducting cake decorating syringe with computer software and software, which comprises providing a cake mold that has a three-dimensional configuration on a base and arranging a decorating syringe device beside the base. A computer is used to select a graphic file of the cake mold in a graphic database for loading. The graphic file is prepared by using computer graphics software to draw a three-dimensional drawing of the cake mold with actual dimensions and stored in the graphic database so that the computer may apply an algorithm to the graphic file to calculate decoration points that are alternately arranged on a surface of the cake mold and use a design program to simulate a patter desired to be formed on the surface of the cake mold. The computer converts, through encoding, the decoration points and the simulated pattern into control program codes so that the decoration device follows the control program codes to made decoration on the decoration points and form the desired pattern. A three-dimensional overall decoration can be made automatically according to the three-dimensional configuration of the cake.一種利用電腦軟體進行糕點擠花之方法及軟體,係備妥具立體形狀之糕模於基座上,且於基座旁設擠花設備,以電腦於圖形資料庫選擇糕模之圖檔並載入,圖檔係利用電腦繪圖軟體以實際尺寸繪製該糕模之三維圖形並儲存於圖形資料庫,以電腦利用圖檔以演算法計算出糕模表面相互交錯排列之擠花點,及以設計程式模擬在糕模表面預設形成之圖樣,並由電腦將各擠花點及模擬之圖樣透過編碼而為控制程式碼,擠花設備依控制程式碼在糕模上對擠花點擠花並製成圖樣,可依糕點之立體造型自動製作出具有三維造型之整體裝飾,藉此構成本發明。