A breast milk probiotics microparticle structure with immunomodulatory and anti-allergy effects is disclosed. A breast milk probiotics core is enclosed by a protecting outer layer. The breast milk probiotics core includes at least oneBifidobacterium longumand at least oneStreptococcus thermophilus. Those probiotics are resistant to bile salts and gastric acid, and able to adhere to gut epithelial mucosa. Therefore, the probiotics can reach the gut successfully with excellent activity and further colonize in the gut.本新型提出一種具免疫調節及抗過敏功能之含有母乳益生菌的微粒結構,包含一母乳益生菌核心與包覆於該核心外之一保護層,其中該母乳益生菌核心含有室少一種比菲德氏龍根菌(Bifidobacterium longum)、以及至少一種嗜熱鏈球菌(Streptocpccus thermophilus),該些菌株具有耐膽鹽、耐胃酸、具腸道細胞吸附能力,因此順利運輸至腸道後,能持續保有優異活性,且能於腸道內有效繁殖而增加益生菌數量。1‧‧‧具免疫調節及抗過敏功能之含有母乳益生菌的微粒結構10‧‧‧母乳益生菌核心14‧‧‧保護層