Yi Seed have the function of the cold-instantly type storage bag of cold insulation, The Dai Body Department You Complex Number Right Should Pian Body Suo Group at, The Xie Pian Body Right Should engage to form a sealing form Dai Body, And what The Dai Body Inner form Yi Rong Let Kong Inter, to Rong Let preserved objects, Department Even Jie mono- Clip Layer Pian Body Shang the end faces Inner of another what The mono- Pian Body, The Clip Layer Pian Body And With The Pian Body form a sealed Clip Layer Kong Inter, The Clip Layer Kong Inter Inner Let, which have, to be deposited by the liquid Bao of Ye Tai Wu Capital Ji Complex Number cold insulations Elixirs, user can directly apply the portions And Zhi Da Inner Shang Pressure power what The Dai Body Pian Body, the liquid bags burst of Zhi Shi Let Yu The Clip Layer Kong Inter Inner, And Let Ye Tai Wu Quality flow into the anti-Should of The Clip Layer Kong Inter Inner Productivity Sheng Leng They, make preserved object its preservation of Yan Long and Shi Yong Time Inter at low Warm.一種具有保冷功能之即冷式保存袋,該袋體係由複數對應之片體所組成,該些片體對應接合形成一密封形態之袋體,並於該袋體內形成一容設空間,用以容設被保存物,另於該一片體之內端面上係連接一夾層片體,該夾層片體並與該片體形成一密封式之夾層空間,該夾層空間內設有一存由液態物資之液態包及複數保冷劑,使用者可直接施加壓力於該袋體之片體上並直達內部,致使設於該夾層空間內之液態包破裂,並讓液態物質流入該夾層空間內產生冷卻反應,使被保存物在低溫下延長其保存及使用時間。