A mobile apparatus, method and system for processing blood sugar affecting factorsare disclosed. The mobile apparatus (10) is adapted to be handheld and configuredfor electronic processing of blood sugar affecting factors, and comprises comprisinga first central processing unit arranged for processing of patient criticalinformation objects, at least one memory comprising a plurality of in advancestored food units and values of at least one related blood sugar affecting parameter,such as glycemic indexes and/or glycemical loads and/or carbohydrate contentsand/or PH value for respective food unit, an input unit arranged to provide userinput for at least one of said food units, such as a choice of one of said food unitsand an amount thereof, a display arranged for visualization of at least one ofsaid food units for said user input, and for visualization of summed up blood sugaraffecting parameters, and a second central processing unit arranged for processingof patient non-critical information objects, such as multimedia objects tobe visualized on said display.