Ayurveda is Indian science ,it is practicing since last 5000years. Number of medicines are described for many diseases. For allergic rhinitis (Peenas),Headache(Shirovedana),Sinusitis (Nasagataroga) internal and external medicines are described. Externally application or nasal administrative medicines are very less. Now a days due to globalization dietary habits are changed and physical exercise are reduced. Also heavy pollution, changed lifestyle, unhygienic conditions, change in work habits ,night shifts effects on immunity .Due to this immunity get reduced and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, headache etc. diseases are getting increased. 10 to 15% of total population are suffers from these diseases. In Ayurveda it consider under Nasagatroga, Acharya Sushruta has mentioned about Nasagat roga in sushrut samhita very briefly. Vata ,Pitta, kaphaj , Sannipataj etc. types of diseases are mentioned by him for each Prakruti In the present invention there is done combination of different herbs like Bilva, sunti, draksha, pippali, tila thaila for preparation of tridoshshamak aushadhi for Nasagat roga. Specific amount of above herbs taken and the paste is made. Tila thaila is used to prepare oil, kada technique was used to prepare medicine. Prepared medicine is tridoshshamak so it is useful in all types of doshatmak disease. This is used externally only. The present invention also helps in headache ,migraine ,daily use of it helps in hairfall and makes wrinkle free fore head. It is very easy for administration. Does not have any complication.