The present invention provides a medical device (100) having a high intensity focused ultrasound system (122) and a magnetic resonance imaging system (102). The memory 152 stores machine executable instructions (280, 282, 284, 286) and a pulse sequence command (260) for the acoustic radiation force imaging protocol. The memory further stores a first sonication command (262) and a second sonication command (264) that control the high intensity focused ultrasound system so as to sonicate the sonication region according to acoustic radiation force imaging protocol . The pulse sequence command defines the acquisition of magnetic resonance data with multiple pulse sequence iterations. The pulse sequence command defines a first group of motion encoding gradients (406) and a second group of motion encoding gradients (408) for each of a plurality of sequence iterations. Execution of the machine executable instructions can be accomplished by controlling the magnetic resonance imaging system with a pulse sequence command to the processor controlling the medical device and controlling the high intensity focused ultrasound system with the first sonication command (300) the first magnetic resonance data (266), control the magnetic resonance imaging system with a pulse sequence command, and control the magnetic resonance imaging system using the second sonication command to acquire a high density focus (302) the second magnetic resonance data (268) by controlling the sound system, reconstruct (304) the first motion encoded image (270) from the first magnetic resonance data, and the second (306) the second motion encoded image (272) from the magnetic resonance data of the first motion encoded image and the second motion encoded image (304) the displacement map (274) from the difference between the displacement map (274).本発明は、高密度焦点式超音波システム(122)と磁気共鳴撮像システム(102)とを有する医療機器(100)を提供する。メモリ152が、機械実行可能命令(280、282、284、286)と、音響放射力イメージングプロトコル用のパルスシーケンスコマンド(260)と格納する。メモリは更に、音響放射力イメージングプロトコルに従ってソ