After that do not require release paper, does not have the various disadvantages of the means of attachment conventional patch for thermal material as described above, packaging material for forming a heat-generating composition storing bag body, and iodine it I will provide a patch for thermal material had. A packaging material for forming a heat-generating composition storing bag body, the packaging material of the present invention is a member constituting the heat-generating composition containing portion of the bag body at the time of forming the (A) the bag , it has no adhesive layer on the surface itself, and a resin film and a non-releasing treatment region and the release-treated area on the surface of the outside of the bag, the non-release treatment region periphery least It includes a main member that is present in, and adhering member comprising a base sheet having an adhesive layer (B) one side, and adhesive layer of the patch member is covered by a release treatment region of the main member is, and is characterized in that, it can be adhered to an adherend and peeled from the release-treated region.離型紙を必要としないうえ、上記のような貼付用温熱材の従来の貼付手段についての種々の欠点を有さない、発熱組成物収容用袋体を形成するための包材、及びこれを用いた貼付用温熱材を提供する。本発明の包材は、発熱組成物収容用袋体を形成するための包材であって、(A)袋体を形成した際に袋体の発熱組成物収容部を構成する部材であって、それ自体の表面には粘着剤層を有さず、袋体の外側となる面に離型処理領域と非離型処理領域とを有する樹脂フィルムからなり、非離型処理領域は少なくとも周縁部に存在する主部材と、(B)片面に粘着剤層を有する基材シートからなる貼付部材とを含むこと、及び前記貼付部材の粘着剤層は、前記主部材の離型処理領域によって被覆されており、離型処理領域から剥離し被着体に貼付することができること、を特徴とする。