This Chong makees mainly to follow the capture mosquito Flies structures for catching the plants such as Flies grass in nature, and Let Meter go out the mode for using a Ge box Body Inner Tu Fabric to have glutinous Rubber, and Come effectively captures mosquito Flies Fly Insect. This Chong makees mainly to utilize the slim boxes of a Ge, it is made into stream Line and color the Wai Concept that a Ge catches Flies grass, the Tu Fabric You Xu Duo Ring Bao Nian Rubber Shang its Inner Bi, it can Da You Xu multi-pass Gas duck eyes on the surface of box, right Hou captures this mosquito Flies on Pai Machine Agencies , Installed using a Ge and sticks box, and Change Cheng mono- Only catch mosquito Flies bats, therefore it can take to write bat and An Xia Open Off and Da Open box , Play Move bats Come and be stained with the Ge Seed Wen Flies Fly Insect of NianThe Hou of mosquito Flies is caught, box Yi Victoria Chi Wei Sheng With Mei Concept on Ke Yi CoverMost Hou, using the Hou of Yi Duan Time times, can Will boxes remove the new box i.e. Ke Following Continued of Throwing Abandoned , And An Installed and reuse.本創作主要是效法自然界中的捕蠅草等植物之捕捉蚊蠅結構,設計出用一個盒體內塗佈有黏膠的方式,來有效的捕捉蚊蠅飛蟲。本創作主要是利用一個薄型盒子,做成一個捕蠅草的流線及色彩外觀,在其內壁上塗佈有許多環保黏膠,在盒子的表面上可打有許多通氣小洞,然後利用一個捕捉拍機構,裝上此蚊蠅黏盒,變成一隻捕蚊蠅拍,因此可以拿著拍子按下開關打開盒子,揮動拍子來沾黏各種蚊蠅飛蟲;捕到蚊蠅之後,可以蓋上盒子以維持衛生與美觀;最後,使用一段時候之後,可將盒子取下拋棄,並安裝新的盒子即可繼續再使用。