Using compounds consisting of at least three different compounds, including 5 '- methylselenium, adenosine-l-homolog, gamma glucose methylselenium swan, a defined frumula (I), (II) or (III) compound, and a carrier for the treatment of diabetes; comprising
Using compounds consisting of at least three different compounds, including 5 '- methylselenium, adenosine-l-homolog, gamma glucose methylselenium swan, a defined frumula (I), (II) or (III) compound, and a carrier for the treatment of diabetes; comprisingUSO DE UNA COMPOSICIÓN QUE COMPRENDE POR LO MENOS TRES DIFERENTES COMPUESTOS SELECCIONADOS DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE DE 5’-METILSELENOADENOSINA, Se-ADENOSIL-L-HOMOCISTEÍNA, GAMA-GLUTAMIL-METILSELENO-CISTEÍNA, UN COMPUESTO DE LA FÓRMULA (I), (II) O (III) DEFINIDAS Y UN PORTADOR PARA TRATAR LA DIABETES; COMPOSICIÓN.