Голубенко Вадим Михайлович (RU),Голубенко Михаил Иванович (RU),Биленко Виктор Алексеевич (RU)
1. Automatic device for introducing liquid manure into the irrigation water, comprising a pressure conduit, a tank for liquid manure, the metering pump having a working chamber with a piston, kinematically connected with the hydraulic motor, communicated through the existing drain line valve and connection fitting, characterized in that that, in order to increase productivity, efficiency of mixing of liquid fertilizer and improve the reliability of the automation process by input of liquid fertilizer, the metering end of the pressure Pipelines and provided with a packing made chamber vacuum, inside which is placed a block ejector installed inside the width of its horizontal orifice in the form of a U-shaped screen at a height from the bottom of the chamber and rigidly attached at the base of the inlet part of the ejector, ending with a nozzle in the direction of the annular socket, contoured tip radius input mixing tube and form an annular gap between the walls and the ejector chamber toward the nozzle of the ejector, mounted above the feed tubing inlets, CONNECTION ennyh to the pressure cylinder, the bottom of the chamber is connected to the supply and the waste pipes, the outlet of the ejector nozzle arranged in the annular cavity of the pipe socket smesheniya.2. Automatic device according to claim 1, characterized in that the ejector nozzle at the outlet end has a smaller diameter positioned closer to the inlet end walls and the accelerating pipe mixing ratio of the latter length to the ejector is equal to 55-56, and the ratio of pipe diameter to the diameter of the mixing nozzle is equal to 5 -6 and is attracted to the hydraulic pressure supply parameters rub1. Автоматическое устройство для введения жидких удобрений в поливную воду, содержащее напорный трубопровод, емкость для жидких удобрений, насос-дозатор, имеющий рабочие полости с поршнем, кинематически связанный с гидродвигателем, сообщенным через имеющуюся сливную линию, распределитель и соединительную арм