The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a composition for protein L-isoaspartate methyltransferase (PIMT) activation with which it is possible to activate PIMT; a novel indicator for evaluating skin restoration or repair activity; a novel indicator for evaluating skin anti-aging activity; and a method for evaluating skin restoration or repair activity and a method for evaluating skin anti-aging activity, etc., in which these indicators are used, respectively. This composition for protein L-isoaspartate methyltransferase (PIMT) activation contains an extract of one or more plants selected from the group consisting of: plants of the family Betulaceae, genus Betula; plants of the family Vitaceae, genus Vitis; plants of the family Fabaceae, genus Glycine; plants of the family Cannabaceae, genus Humulus; plants of the family Labiatae; plants of the family Rutaceae, genus Citrus; plants of the family Acoraceae, genus Acorus; plants of the family Asteraceae, genus Arnica; and plants of the family Rosaceae, genus Prunus.本發明之目的為提供可活化蛋白質L-異天冬胺酸甲酯轉移酶(PIMT)之PIMT活化用組成物;用於評估皮膚的復原或修復活性之新指標及用於評估皮膚的抗老化活性之新指標;以及使用此指標之皮膚的復原或修復活性之評估方法及皮膚的抗老化活性之評估方法等。 本發明之蛋白質L-異天冬胺酸甲酯轉移酶(PIMT)活化用組成物包含選自由樺木科樺木屬植物、葡萄科葡萄屬植物、豆科大豆屬植物、大麻科蛇麻屬植物、唇形科植物、芸香科芸香屬植物、菖蒲科菖蒲屬植物、菊科山金車屬植物及薔薇科桃屬植物所組成群組之1種以上植物的萃取物。