This invention provides a charged corpuscle accelerator capable of reducing the amount of pattern data required for operating an acceleration cavity and electric-magnet according to a time clock to reduce the communication time of the pattern data. The charged corpuscle accelerator (54) has an accelerator control device (25) which contains: a timing generator (18) for producing an acceleration cavity clock, and an electric-magnet clock having a frequency synchronous with a acceleration cavity clock and lower than that of the acceleration cavity clock a high frequency control unit (19) for controlling the acceleration cavity (11) according to the acceleration cavity pattern and the acceleration cavity clock stored in a first pattern memory (5) and a deflection electric-magnet controller (20) for controlling a deflection electric-magnet (15) according to the deflection electric-magnet’s pattern and the electric-magnet clock stored in a second pattern memory (12).本發明之目的在於獲得一種帶電粒子加速器,係減少依據時間時脈而使加速空洞及電磁鐵動作所需之圖樣資料量,進而縮短圖樣資料的通信時間,本發明之帶電粒子加速器(54)所具備之加速器控制裝置(25)係具備:時脈產生部(18),係產生加速空洞時脈,以及同步於加速空洞時脈並且頻率比加速空洞時脈的頻率還低之電磁鐵時脈;高頻率控制部(19),係依據儲存於第一圖樣記憶體(5)之加速空洞圖樣及加速空洞時脈來控制加速空洞(11);以及偏向電磁鐵控制部(20),係依據儲存於第二圖樣記憶體(12)之偏向電磁鐵圖樣及電磁鐵時脈來控制偏向電磁鐵(15)。1‧‧‧計算機2‧‧‧時脈振盪器3、4‧‧‧分頻器5‧‧‧圖樣記憶部6‧‧‧FR時脈產生器7‧‧‧圖樣輸出器8‧‧‧頻率合成器9‧‧‧AM變調器10‧‧‧高頻率放大器11‧‧‧加速空洞12、21‧‧‧圖樣記憶體13、22‧‧‧圖樣輸出器14、16‧‧‧電磁鐵電源15a、15b、15c、15d‧‧‧偏向電磁鐵17a、17b‧‧‧四極電磁鐵18‧‧‧時脈產生部19‧‧‧高頻率控制部20‧‧‧偏向電磁鐵控制部23‧‧‧四極電磁鐵控制部24‧‧‧真空導管25‧‧‧加速控制裝置26‧‧‧加速環54‧‧‧帶電粒子加速器clka‧‧‧加速空洞時脈clkm‧‧‧電磁鐵時脈