In one or more results, the vibration system includes an arc plate and a vibration sensing element surrounding the support element, 1. The vibration sensing element is set to radiate expansion and contraction to the support element, so as to generate axial vibration on the vibrutil plate. In one exercise, the vibruitil plate had an outer circle.A tube element has a concentric preparation state around the outer ring of the plate, and a ring vibration element has a concentric preparation state around the outer ring of the tube element. The vibration sensing element is preferably a compression ring, which can expand and control towards the nodule element wall in the radio direction, so that the arc plate inclines to the axial direction. per contraThe aerosol ejection system consists of a cortical skeleton ring that expands and radiates when a fixed tubular element in the central hole of the cortical tube runs, while a circular vebler drilling plate is prepared to pass through lumen in the tubular ring. The piezoelectric ring diffuses to the tube and radiates and contracts, so that the arc aperture plate inclined to the axis of the arc is connected with the tube, so that the liquid container is combined with the tube, so as to provide liquid for the arc through the deck, and test the aerosol during the vibration.En una o más realizaciones, un sistema de vibración comprende una placa vibrátil y un elemento de inducción de vibración que rodea el elemento de soporte, donde el elemento de inducción de vibración se configura para expandir y contraerse radialmente contra el elemento de soporte de manera que se produzca vibración axial en la placa vibrátil. En una realización, la placa vibrátil tiene una circunferencia exterior; un elemento tubular está dispuesto concéntricamente alrededor de la circunsferencia exterior de la placa y un elemento anular de inducción de vibración está dispuesto concéntricamente alrededor de la circunsferencia exterior del elemento tubular. El el